Planned Ballet Classes

Whether you are teaching the Russian (Vaganova) Method of Classical Ballet or adhere to the French, English, Danish , etc., schools of ballet, class structure is very important. When working with students, each year has a specific curriculum that needs to be taught and mastered, therefore  ballet classes must be properly planned. A well designed class will develop the dancers artistry and technique, care should be taken to not overtax or underuse certain muscle groups during classes. Poorly planned classes can lead to injury, over developed “bulky” muscles,  while leaving weakened muscles in other areas. Ballet is based on the unnatural, so careful monitoring of students muscular/skeletal development is important to ensure a long dancing future with as few injuries as possible. Young dancers also develop good habits from these types of classes, that follow them throughout their dancing life. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard students say they don’t do a barre before performing because they don’t know the proper order! When a student has been given properly planned ballet classes, this will become second nature. To provide the best training for dancers and to equip them with a strong technique to master the classical ballet repertoire demands, a gifted instructor with well thought out planned classes in their student years is imperative.